Build Back Better Reconciliation Framework Represents Historic Progress for Home Care Workers, Women of Color, Aging Adults, and People With Disabilities

Washington, D.C.—The Biden Administration released today a framework for the Build Back Better budget bill that includes significant investments in home care and other care infrastructure. This investment will expand access to high-quality home care for older Americans and people with disabilities and raise wages for essential home care workers who provide critical services to older Americans and people with disabilities to live dignity in their homes.

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National Domestic Workers Alliance, Senator Richard J. Codey, Senator Loretta Weinberg, and Assemblywoman Britnee Timberlake Introduce the New Jersey Domestic Workers Bill of Rights

NEW JERSEY — Today, Senator Richard J. Codey, Senator Loretta Weinberg, and Assemblywoman Britnee N. Timberlake announced the introduction of the New Jersey Domestic Workers Bill of Rights in order for local domestic workers to receive protection, support, and safety in the workforce.

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Coalition of domestic worker and employer groups call for an investment in paid care work

New York City, NY—The National Domestic Workers Alliance, Hand in Hand: The Domestic Employers Network, Adhikaar and Carroll Gardens Association call on New York City elected officials to adopt a new NYC Care Campaign platform to both invest in the care sector as well address the needs of domestic workers, parents, family caregivers, seniors and people with disabilities.

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Poll: Americans voice strong support for bold federal response that puts workers & families first

Washington, DC—With House Democrats unveiling a new coronavirus rescue bill Tuesday, and Congress debating how big to go — and who to include — in the next round of relief, a new poll shows that Americans are now strongly in support of a bold federal response that puts workers and families first. The comprehensive new survey released today by Caring Across Generations and National Domestic Workers Alliance reveals how the coronavirus pandemic has dramatically changed our politics and Americans’ views of the role of government.

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Policy Solutions Must Address Long-Standing Inequities

Washington, DC—In response to data that shows that Black people are dying of coronavirus at higher rates, the National Domestic Workers Alliance (NDWA) is calling for urgent support for low-wage workers during the pandemic, including better base pay, protective equipment, accessible testing, family care support and hazard pay for nannies, house cleaners, and home care workers. Many low-wage workers, and particularly domestic workers, are primarily women of color and immigrants including home care work that has a majority of Black women workers.

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National Domestic Workers Alliance Launches Coronavirus Care Fund to Raise $4 Million for Domestic Workers

Washington, DC—The National Domestic Workers Alliance is launching the Coronavirus Care Fund, an emergency relief fund for domestic workers facing hardship as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. The goal of the fund is to raise $4,000,000 to support 10,000 workers. People can donate here starting at 10:30 am ET on Monday, March 16th.

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